Networking With Lawyers: Asking The Right Questions

In our guide, we elaborate on the various levels of networking. Interacting with your peers requires a different approach compared to engaging with established professionals in your field. Thus, mastering this skill involves honing it on multiple fronts. But the question arises: How can you determine whom to approach for specific inquiries? Moreover, amid a sea of ambitious young lawyers seeking similar opportunities, how can you distinguish yourself? Continue reading to uncover the answers.

1. Don’t Ask For Generic Advice

Whether you find yourself at a conference, networking session, event, or attending a university lecture, there will be numerous individuals capable of providing invaluable advice. However, this only holds true if you ask the right questions.

Experienced lawyers and recruiters have encountered countless young and ambitious individuals seeking career guidance. As a result, they often have standard answers that they give to everyone who asks the same generic questions. To make the most of these opportunities, it's essential to seek specific advice from these seasoned professionals. By doing so, you prompt them to ponder and offer you insights tailored to your needs. Here are some examples of questions you can use:

  • What is something you wish you had known earlier in your career?
  • Could you suggest a lesser-known skill that could give newcomers in the field a competitive advantage?
  • What are common mistakes you've observed among less experienced lawyers?
  • How and when did you decide on your area of specialization?

By asking questions that require thoughtful responses, you can extract valuable wisdom and make the most of the expertise they have to offer.

2. Get To Know Them

When engaging with professionals who possess significantly more networking experience than you, remember that valuable advice may not always pertain strictly to your career. Take the initiative to understand the individual you're conversing with—everyone's journey is unique, so uncover what has assisted them along their path. Here are some sample questions:

  • How has an aspect of your upbringing influenced your professional life?
  • What hobbies do you enjoy in your free time, and what draws you to them?
  • What methods do you find most effective for decompressing and managing stress?
  • Could you share an invaluable extracurricular experience you had during your university days?

By inquiring about these aspects, you can gain a deeper understanding of their personal journey and insights that go beyond purely professional advice.

3. Do Your Homework

Before attending an event where you might have the opportunity to network with specific individuals, take the time to conduct some research. Utilize LinkedIn to explore their job history and tailor your questions accordingly.

Preparation prior to meeting someone not only saves both parties time but also ensures that the time you spend together is utilized efficiently. Professionals can recognize and appreciate the effort you put into researching them. It demonstrates your involvement, attention to detail, and drive. Going the extra mile is certain to make you stand out, and who knows, they might even consider you for future opportunities! Here are some career-related questions to inspire you on what to ask:

  • What key insights did you gain from your experience at X firm?
  • What type of firm culture do you prefer, and what draws you to it?
  • Could you share a past position that didn't align well with your aspirations, and what did you learn from that experience?

By asking these thoughtful questions, you not only showcase your interest but also create a memorable impression on potential connections.

4. Find The Firm Reps

If you're considering attending a careers fair or event, it's essential to prepare insightful questions for representatives from firms you're interested in working for. Demonstrating early interest will set you apart, and asking the right questions will help you determine if a particular firm or position aligns with your aspirations. Here are some useful examples of questions to consider:
  • What are the most important qualities you seek in a candidate?
  • Do you consider applicants with limited experience if they possess specific skills, enthusiasm, or proactivity?
  • Could you describe the firm culture at X?
  • How does the social aspect of the firm contribute to the overall work environment?
  • What aspect of your workplace do you personally enjoy the most?
  • Can you walk me through the application process?
  • Could you share some interview questions that applicants often find challenging?
By asking these thoughtful questions, you not only demonstrate your genuine interest but also gain valuable insights to help you make informed decisions about potential career opportunities.

5. Talk To Your Peers

Networking with professionals and recruiters is as vital as getting to know your peers. After all, in ten years' time, they might be your future colleagues! So, when you're not engaged in discussions with speakers and lawyers, seek out another student to connect with. Here are some questions you can use to deepen your understanding of them:

  • What area of law are you considering specializing in?
  • Which work experience have you found most captivating thus far?
  • Are you exploring alternative career paths beyond law?
  • Who do you look up to as your role model?
  • What kind of law firm culture do you envision yourself thriving in?

Asking these inquiries will not only foster meaningful connections but also provide valuable insights into your peers' aspirations and career plans.

6. Collect Some Reading

Commercial awareness plays a crucial role in applying for jobs in the legal sector and achieving success in the field. Many lawyers you interact with will have their areas of expertise. To expand your knowledge in both their specific field and the legal industry as a whole, don't hesitate to ask for recommendations. Whether they suggest particular publications, authors, books, or topics to explore, be sure to take note – you might receive invaluable insights that will impress interviewers!

Consider asking questions like:

  • What legal topic currently captures your interest the most?
  • Is there any book, publication, or article you would recommend for enhancing commercial awareness?
  • What recent news story has caught your attention?
  • Which commercial awareness topic do you believe more people should be aware of?

Asking the right questions is a surefire way to distinguish yourself among your peers. You never know whom you might have the chance to converse with and where that conversation might lead. So, be well-prepared in advance and keep this networking advice in mind, as it can prove to be immensely beneficial.

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