How attorneys can publicize awards and recognition to market themselves


Congratulations on winning an award! Your achievement reflects the dedication and effort you invested to reach this milestone. Now, what comes next with that award?

The answer: Plenty.

Awards and recognition can be powerful tools for legal marketing, yet they are often underused or misunderstood. In this post, we will elaborate on why awards matter and how you can leverage them to attract clients with legal needs.

Why do awards matter?

Before delving into how you can effectively utilize and promote awards to market yourself and your practice, let's first discuss the compelling reasons why you should do so.

Firstly, based on FindLaw research, clients with legal needs often struggle to differentiate between attorneys they perceive as equally qualified. Awards offer an excellent opportunity to distinguish yourself from competitors who would eagerly vie for the same business. They serve as third-party validation of your legal expertise and skills, providing the reassurance clients seek when choosing legal representation.

Secondly, awards elevate your standing within the legal community and may lead to increased and higher-quality referrals. Fellow attorneys prefer to refer clients to outstanding professionals. Being recognized with awards instills confidence in referring attorneys, assuring them that they are sending potential clients to someone highly regarded in the legal field.

Lastly, you deserve the recognition! Awards are bestowed in acknowledgment of remarkable achievements and exceptional accomplishments. As long as you showcase your accolades tastefully and ethically, you have every right to let people know about the honors you have received.

How should I use awards to market my practice?

Here are some of our best tips for using awards to market your legal services:

1. Provide some context.

When sharing news of your award, it's crucial to provide context for your audience. Avoid the common mistake that many attorneys make by assuming that readers or listeners already know the specific reasons behind the award. For instance, if your award recognizes your pro bono service, clarify the type of pro bono work you engage in and the extent of your contributions. Similarly, if you've been selected as a SuperLawyers honoree, highlight that only 5% of attorneys receive this prestigious recognition. It doesn't require extensive elaboration, but offering some context makes mentioning your award significantly more impactful.

2. Share and share again.

A common mistake is mentioning an award once and then forgetting about it. Your award should have a lasting impact. Let's begin with social media. Depending on the size of your audience, consider sharing news of the award multiple times and across different platforms. For instance, you could post a photo of yourself accepting the award on LinkedIn right after the ceremony, and then, about a week later, retweet a post from the award-granting organization with a message of gratitude. Be cautious not to overdo it, but also don't hesitate to make the most of your achievement.

3. Be comprehensive.

Building on the previous tip, avoid the mistake of publicizing your award in just one location. Ensure you mention it wherever it feels appropriate: on social media, your website, and in any bio you submit for speaking engagements or events, at the very least. Additionally, inform your alumni publications about the award. They are often delighted to feature articles about their alumni's professional achievements, which can significantly enhance exposure and brand awareness.

4. Include it in an ad.

Mentioning an award should never replace essential information like your contact details and practice area, but a brief and tasteful acknowledgment can enhance the effectiveness of your advertisement. In a concise PPC campaign, you could add a simple line like "Smith County's 2023 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year" after your name. For larger ads with more space, consider something like "Voted 2023 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year by Smith County lawyers." This adds context and personality, making you more relatable to potential clients.

The key takeaway is that an award should have a long-lasting and versatile role in your marketing strategy. You don't have to boast about it excessively, but incorporating such recognition into your comprehensive and diverse marketing campaign is highly recommended.

For more information on various marketing tools for promoting yourself and your legal practice, explore our portfolio of legal marketing services.

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