The best review a lawyer could ask for


In this post, I won't ask you to lower your expectations. Success in law demands a degree of assertiveness, and legal consumers expect their attorneys to be competent and reasonably confident. However, when it comes to your online reputation, it's crucial for lawyers to grasp the significance of reviews and how to solicit them. Additionally, they should maintain a realistic outlook regarding the types of endorsements they may receive.

Not every case will result in a surefire victory, and not every client will have a perfect experience working with you. This is an acknowledged reality. Yet, there is valuable insight to be found in seemingly negative reviews if you know how to extract it. Let's delve into some hypothetical online lawyer reviews, using an imaginary solo attorney, to understand the varying degrees of positivity (and likelihood) in different reviews. You'll discover that even the least positive review still holds valuable information to offer.

Is a 5-star rating the best review for a lawyer?

How about this review below? The client's articulation is truly remarkable!

While Claire may find a 5-star rating and a statement like this one appealing, the broader internet audience might consider it preposterous or even unbelievable. While there are individuals who genuinely communicate in such a manner, they are relatively uncommon, and their style may not resonate well with the average consumer.

4-star review example

That's a more realistic review, and it might just be one of the most valuable ones Claire will ever receive. Attorneys should keep an eye out for this type of feedback and appreciate it, as it has the potential to generate consistent online referrals. The review provides ample details, highlights positive outcomes, and is honest about the cost. However, there's more to consider. If you examine most online reviews, you'll notice that the majority of them are much shorter and lack substantial information.

Average ratings with short reviews

Despite their short length and informal tone, these reviews are surprisingly positive. Even when they include mild criticism, they still lean towards the "pro" side of your reputation. So, if you receive a review like this, don't be disheartened. These "pretty good" reviews often hold valuable insights.

Our last example will demonstrate why.

The best review for a lawyer (somewhere out there)

Even though the case didn't result in a win, this client was still willing to share something positive about their experience working with Claire. This feedback isn't solely tied to the case's outcome, which can be challenging to control, but rather provides valuable insight into the services Claire provides, which are fully within her command. Such genuine feedback is priceless for legal consumers as it sheds light on the process of working with Claire and addresses the emotional needs of potential clients.

Most clients, except for the most unrealistic ones, understand that case outcomes are not guaranteed. While a review like this may appear to impact Claire's reputation negatively, it is not the case. Honest statements like these can actually enhance an attorney's credibility in a way that an abundance of generic five-star reviews cannot. As I mentioned before, don't settle for low expectations, but also recognize the appeal of mid-range reviews.

Such statements can surprisingly impact consumers. When faced with doubt, fear, or confusion, people become skeptical of things that seem too good to be true. A touch of reality in your firm's reputation appeals to that skepticism. It showcases your humanity and fallibility, letting legal consumers know that you are genuine and in this journey with them.


Take another look at these examples. Can you now see how crucial reviews are for lawyers? Each review has something positive to say about Claire. Even the least favorable one, where the client wasn't completely satisfied, still conveys that this attorney is a worthwhile choice. After all, nobody is flawless. There are instances where you give your best effort but still end up on the losing side, and it might even result in a one-star review. Nevertheless, remember to seek out the silver linings.

Sometimes, receiving three out of five stars is the best outcome you can achieve. For certain clients, a three-star review for a lawyer is precisely the assurance they need.

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